2023 Conference Resources

Improving Resilience in the Pacific Islands Through GIS and Remote Sensing

Conference Highlights

The 2023 Conference brings together more than 250 participants from around the world. 16 Pacific Island countries and territories were represented and PGRSC National Focal Points had the opportunity to highlight in-countires activities around GIS and Remote Sensing.

The 2023 conference was honored to host a serie of ESRI special sessions during one full day.

Key indicators

250 Participants from 22 countries and 16 Pacific Island Countries and Territories represented

63 Presentations

6 workshops, National Focal Points lightening talks and 14 thematic sessions

Conference sponsors

Day 1 Presentations
Session Leader: Brad EichelbergerSession 1 – Opening –
Minister FijiConference OpeningVIEW
Surendra PrasadWelcome
Salote VitiWelcome
Simon HillWelcome
Wolf ForstreuterConference Overview
————————-Conference Photo
Session Leader: Maria KottermairSession 2 – Organisations and Companies –
Stewart WalkerThe Role of ISPRS and The ISPRS Foundation in the PacificDOWNLOAD
Bridget SeegersNASA Earth Observations to investigate our (water) worldDOWNLOAD
Angela ManchesterHEXAGON Software for Pacific Remote Sensing ApplicationsDOWNLOAD
Maurice BorerBlacksky: Disrupting new space with real-time dynamic
monitoring | Emergency Response Imaging
Sachindra SinghDigital Earth Pacific: Utilising Regional-Scale Earth
Observations for Monitoring Terrestrial and Coastal systems
Session Leader: Dolores LeneuotiSession 3 – RS-Data and UAV –
Rémi AndreoliEarth Observation for Pacific Island countries: a question of
Simon MorrisNew generation sensors for VTOL dronesDOWNLOAD
Lóránt CzáránThe UN-SPIDER Programme – Facilitating Access to Satellite
Technologies and Data for Disaster Risk Reduction and Early
Hamish ClarkeTrimble data collection technologiesDOWNLOAD
Halalilika EtikaCountry Action Plan on Strengthening Integrated Geospatial
Information Management
————–Session Leader: Halalilika EtikaSession 4 – Disaster –
Matthew GardnerOptical Bathymetry (UAV & Satellite) – Generating accurate
underwater elevation models from aerial and satellite imagery
Shaun WilliamsApplying Coastal Flood Risk Information in Climate and
Disaster Adaptation Planning: Examples from Aotearoa New
Zealand, Nauru, and Samoa
Newton MuhuryModelling floodplain vegetation responses to surface water
availability usingremotely sensed data in southeast Australia
Pierre AudisioMonitoring the state of mangrove in the pacificDOWNLOAD
Janeth FuleFrom Space to Resilience: How Agile Aerospace Advances
Disaster Management
Day 2 Presentations
Eagle TechnologyGIS — Creating the World You Want to SeeDOWNLOAD
Simon HillPacific GeoPortalDOWNLOAD
Maria TuoroStorymap of the Marae Moana
Gander WainigoloRarotonga Coastal & Flood Hazard Mitigation Data Collection (LiDAR)DOWNLOAD
Stephano Rampling-TouEmergency Management Cook Islands Office of the Prime MinisterDOWNLOAD

Eagle TeamArcGIS System – Technology Update
Titie KaufusiUsing GIS & RS Application for Implementation
of Sustainable Quarry Mining in Tonga
Kolora QativiFPL operations using SiteScan
Meizyanne HicksFiji Lands Journey on Geospatial DevelopmentDOWNLOAD
Salote BaleisuvaMinistry of HealthDOWNLOAD
Eagle TechnologyWrap up and closingDOWNLOAD
Day 3 Presentations

————————-Session 1 – Mapping Session Leader: Yoann Roncin
Thibault ValentinCopernicus Assisting Pacific Island CountriesDOWNLOAD
Kasaqa ToraMapping the Future: Enhancing Resilience in Pacific Islands’
Protected Areas with GIS and Remote Sensing
Angela ManchesterGoogle Earth Engine and ERDAS IMAGINE: the new
collaboration in spatial modeller leading remote sensing
Charlie MorrisVanuatu Village Registry is the list that could change everythingDOWNLOAD
Randy HamiltonDevelopment of Fiji’s National Land Use and Land Cover
Monitoring System
————————-Session 2 – Forestry – Session Leader: Xiao-Hu Faerua
Shyam LodhiaMACBLUE: Mapping & Monitoring the Extent of Seagrass and
Mangrove Ecosystems through Cloud Computing.
Richard RussellWild Fire Detection and Monitoring from SpaceDOWNLOAD
Paul PetersonRemote sensing for monitoring invasive weeds and impacts of
introduced natural enemies in Pacific Islands.
Sam WestMobile LiDAR Scanning, a Forestry Application including the
Bradley EichelbergerMonitoring vegetation health and recovery following typhoon
events in the Northern Mariana Islands.
————————-Session 3 – Maritime and Environmnt – Session Leader: Jewel Tuitama
Bridget SeegersA sea of data with PACEDOWNLOAD
Joy PapaoUtilisation of GIT for Climate Resilience in the Pacific.DOWNLOAD
Chan-Su Yang-SuSatellite Application Algorithms for Coastal and Marine Spatial
Planning in the Pacific Island Countries: A Case Study in
Funafuti, Tuvalu
James BattersbyEnhancing Resilience to Pluvial Flooding in Pacific Island
Nations: A Novel Approach to Rapid Rainfall Modelling and
Risk Assessment.
Andrea JalandoniState of the art: Digital Methods for Rock Art Research in 2023
Sree Juwel Kumar ChowdhuryExtraction of Coastline and Land-Use Mapping from High-
resolution Satellite Imagery: Funafuti Atoll in Tuvalu
————————-Session 4 – Maritime – Session Leader: Jewel Tuitama
Cecile DupouyA review of ocean color algorithms to detect Trichodesmium
oceanic blooms and quantify chlorophyll concentration in
shallow coral lagoons of South Pacific archipelagos
Rose PearsonA standardised approach to generating 5m DEMs of countries
across the Pacific
Dae-Woon ShinOverview of ‘application of Multisensory Remote Sensing for
Controlling Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
Activities’ Project
Sovaia SeruAll piped water is not created equal – harnessingdiverse spatial
datasets to support risk-informed decision-making for better
WASH services in underserved urbansettlements.
Day 4 Presentations
—————————————-Session 1 – Women in GIS and Remote Sensing
Salote VitiKeynote: Women in GeospatialDOWNLOAD

———– ———–Panel Discussion: Maria Tuoro, Kolora Qativi, Veniana
Wainiqolo, Arti Pratap Moderator: Salote Viti

———– ———–Lightning Talk (4 talks at 5mins each) Joy Papao, Turia Bokai,
Ofa Masiwawa, Salote Coyvilati
—————————————-Session 2 – Different Thematics Session Leader: Johny Tarry
Focal PointsGIS&RS in Pacific Island Countries. Lightening Talks PGRSC
Focal Points
Elisa TorocaImproving Resilience in the Pacific Islands Through GIS and
Remote Sensing.
Elisa PuccioniThe State of OSGeo OceaniaDOWNLOAD
Eleanor EarlInvestigating remote sensing datasets to model natural flood
management options in the Ba River catchment, Viti Levu.
Joeli VaroDRR and Multi – Hazard Zonation of Fiji: A case study of the
Yavusa Navakavu.
Maria KottermairMeasuring 3D shoreline changes of Ulithi Atoll, Micronesia
————————-Session 3 – Environment – Session Leader: Tiaotin Enari
Morgan MarshallLate Island, Tonga rodent eradicationDOWNLOAD
James SturmanIntegrating GIS map products within the Climate Data for the
Environment Services Client (CliDEsc) Climate Information
Mathis NeuhauserAn Operational Vegetation Drought Processing Chain based
on Google Earth Engine satellite imagery and meteorological
Aaron HickBuilding resilience through a sustainable and coordinated
capacity building approach
—————————————-Session 4 – Mapping and Environment (Session Leader)

Lanieta RokotuiwakayaDeveloping geospatial maturity in Fiji: a strategic approach.DOWNLOAD
Rhiannan MundanaBuilding Resilience in Communities in response to Climate
Change Impacts – A Socio-Spatial Approach Focused on
Vulnerable Populations
Malakai TadulalaResilient Mapping of Low-Localised Groundwater Resources
Potential in Nadi, Viti Levu Island, Fiji using The Art of Remote
Sensing, Geospatial Techniques and GIS-Artificial Intelligence
(Machine Learning)
Joshua TuriaLeveraging open sourced tools for effective monitoring and
data mamangement of Natural Resources in PNG
————————-————————-Closing Ceremony
Brad EichelbergerPGRSC AGM (PGRSC members only)AGM Report (restricted access)

Opening Ceremony

Fiji Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Hon. Filimoni Vosarogo officiates at the Opening of the 2023 Pacific GIS&RS Conference

Group photo

UN-SPIDER Grant Recipiants

Thanks to UN-SPIDER that sponsor travels of some Pacific Islanders to attend the conference.

Conference participants

More than 250 participants attended the 2023 conference

Opening Ceremny

Opening Ceremny

PGRSC Focal POints

Kava session

On the way to the Sandbank

Kava session

Networking between the boats

Kava session

Networking with a glass, in the sea

Kava session

Networking at the sandbank


Spit roast sucking pig

Sponsored by Fiji Drone Services Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Spit roast sucking pig

Sponsored by Fiji Drone Services

Spit roast sucking pig

Sponsored by Fiji Drone Services

Kava session

Kava session

On the way to the sandbank

Way back to suva from the Sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

The sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session


Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session


Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Arrival at the sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Waiting for the roast pig

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Chill time at the sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Chill time

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Arrival at the sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Arrival at the sandbank

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Kava session

the well-filled cooler

Credit photo Zahrah Ali 2023

Kava session

Kava session

Kava session



Opening Ceremony

Fiji Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Hon. Filimoni Vosarogo officiates at the Opening of the 2023 Pacific GIS&RS Conference