Developing the technical expertise of GIS & Remote Sensing in the Pacific

2024 Pacific Islands GIS & Remote Sensing Users Conference

25 November 2024 - VC2V+JF Suva, Fiji
Suva, Fiji
DD days
HH hours
MM min
SS sec
The 2024 Conference already starts but it is still time to join!

This year’s conference theme is :

Sustainable Management for Coastal Areas through Remote Sensing and GIS“.

We’re looking forward to see you all from the 25th of November 2024 to the 29th of November 2024.

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Upcoming Events


PGRSC is a Council established in March 2018 by – From left to right – (L-R) Rajendra Singh, Wolf Forstreuter, Hon. Minister Koya, Malakai Finau and Russell Howorth. Based on a history of more than 30 years, PGRSC brings together professionals, students, researchers and experts in the fields of GIS and Remote Sensing in the Pacific.


The University of the South Pacific and the Fiji Lands Department jointly held the first two day National GIS Conference in 1998. This later became the Pacific Islands GIS & RS User
in 2004 to cater to the growing interest in the Pacific region.

Today, the conference is the largest GIS and RS Conference in the Pacific with over 300 attendees from far reaches of the globe.



Today, PGRSC community groups more than 100 individual members, leading industry companies, Research Centers, international institutions and NGOs that represent the whole GIS and Remote Sensing Community. PGRSC is an ever growing community who shares the same values of collaboration, excellence, humility, respect, caring and inclusion.

PGRSC Partners and Organisational Members