The theme of the 2024 Pacific Islands GIS & RS User Conference was:
Sustainable Management of Coastal Areas Through Remote Sensing & GIS
Presentations will be available soon
In the context of climate change, the management of coastal areas is a priority of Island Nations. The 2024 Pacific Island GIS and Remote Sensing Users Conference is focused on how our GIS and Remote Sensing Community is taking up this challenge and contributing to the sustainable management of the land-sea interface. Innovative remote sensing approaches and dedicated GIS solutions will be presented to the whole community based on latest research and tangible examples.

Abstract submission
Bringing together experts from across the Pacific and the rest of the world since 1998.

Our journey began in 1998 when the University of the South Pacific and the Fiji Lands Department jointly held the first two-day National GIS Conference in Suva. This gained momentum and wider interest with the uptake of these technologies across our developing Pacific landscape and lead to the establishment of what became the Pacific Islands GIS & Remote Sensing User Conference in 2004 catering to the growing interest across the region.
Today, the conference is reputably the largest GIS and Remote Sensing Conference attended by Pacific Islanders leveraging this annual opportunity to network and pursue partnerships with practitioners from around the globe. The conference spotlights latest innovative technologies, promotes knowledge and capacity development and sharing of best practices, gathering over 300 attendees annually.

The Pacific Island GIS and Remote Sensing Conference warmly invites you to share this opportunity and hear from Pacific Island users present highlights of their work aligned to governmental targets, and meet with our network of regional and global experts, sharing best practices and knowledge in applications relevant for the Pacific. Save the date and register to join our series of presentations, workshops, and networking events.
Why attend?

The Pacific GIS & RS Conference is the largest gathering of Pacific Island Users and our network of regional and international stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge in developing and using GIS and Remote Sensing tools and products. Over 300 participants register each year and look forward to the range of presentations, workshops, and social events such as the APSEA awards accorded at the conference closing cocktail.
Social Activities

A range of social activities are offered throughout the conference week, from the opening cocktail to the pub crawl, concluding with the infamous Sandbank Picnic on Saturday. These opportunities allow participants to enjoy downtime through informal networking events.

Workshops are held at the end of the conference week, by spatial industry regional and global experts. These workshops always prove to be a popular and important activity during the conference. Workshops are held concurrently and usually at the SPC, Geoscience Division Campus in Nabua and at the University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus.