Organisational Membership

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ABOUT NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.
For more than 65 years, NASA has made the seemingly impossible, possible. At its 20 centers and facilities across the country and with U.S. commercial companies and international partners, NASA leads studying Earth science, including climate, our Sun, solar system, and the larger universe. We conduct cutting-edge research to advance technology and aeronautics. We operate the world’s leading space laboratory, the International Space Station, and will establish a sustainable and strong exploration presence on the Moon this decade through the Artemis campaign.
Institute Type: Space Agency

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
ABOUT Secretariat of the Pacifc Regional Environment Programme left SPC in Noumea in 1992 and relocated to Samoa. It achieved autonomy as an independent inter-governmental organisation with the signing of the Agreement Establishing SPREP in Apia on 16 June 1993. SPREP (The Secretariat) is the region’s key inter-governmental organisation for environment and sustainable development, and is one of several inter-governmental agencies comprising the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP). The purposes of SPREP are to promote cooperation in the South Pacific Region and to provide assistance in order to protect and improve the environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations. SPREP is an institutional member of PGRSC.
Institute Type: Service Provider

Geoscience Australia
ABOUT Geoscience Australia is an agency of the Australian Government. That carries out geoscientific research and is also the governments technical adviser on all aspects of geoscience. Additionally, GA is the custodian of geographic, geological data and knowledge of the nation. A number of projects are carried out across the Pacific and are supported by Geoscience Australia such as the PacSaAFE project which aims to build disaster and climate resilience within the Pacific.
Institute Type: Data Provider

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ABOUT International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. ISPRS was present for the first time at the Conference in 2005. ISPRS distributes its information and bulletins through the PGRSC network. In 2018, PGRSC became the Regional Member of ISPRS for Pacific Island Countries.
Institute Type: Service Provider

Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society
ABOUT The Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society serves the Society’s purposes by serving the interests of the global internet community through its presence in the Pacific Islands.It focuses on local issues and developments, and as an impartial advisor to governments and the public on matters of significant interest to Pacific Island people. PICISOC first came into being in 1994 as IT-PacNET when a group of technical individuals working for SOPAC decided to set up a support organisation. Through their association with regional with regional organisations they were able to expand the organisation, and finally joined the group up with the Internet Society in 2002. The 600+ regional members of PICISOC come from 22 countries which constitute the Pacific Region (They are members of the Pacific Islands Form). The PGRSC forms the special interest group GIS and RS within PICISOC. PICISOC hosts for PGRSC the GIS-PacNet.
Institute Type: Non-Profit

Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
ABOUT PacIOOS empowers ocean users and stakeholders in the Pacific Islands by providing accurate and reliable coastal and ocean information, tools, and services that are easy to access and use.
Based within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UH), PacIOOS is one of 11 regional associations within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®). PacIOOS staff and regional liaisons are working closely with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the U.S. Pacific Islands to identify and address ocean observing needs. For more information, please visit
Institute Type: Non-Profit

Hawaiʻi Geographic Information Coordinating Council
ABOUT The Hawaiʻi Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of members of Hawai’i’s geospatial community. Our goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state.
Institute Type: Non-Profit, GIS Professional Association

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
ABOUT Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development) is an internationally recognised multidisciplinary organisation, working mainly in partnership with countries in the Mediterranean and intertropical zone. IRD is a French public research establishment operating under the joint authority of the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It takes an original approach to research, expertise, training and knowledge-sharing for the benefit of countries and regions, making science and innovation key drivers in their development. IRD is a key French player on the international development agenda. Its work is founded on an original model: equitable scientific partnership with developing countries.
Institute Type: Research Institute

National Disaster Risk Management Office
ABOUT The National Disaster Risk Management Office (NDRMO) was established under the Emergency Management Act 2007, initially aimed to facilitate and coordinate emergency management for Tonga’s safety. The National Disaster Risk Management Act 2021 expanded its mandate, focusing on enhancing disaster risk reduction efforts.
Under the DRM Act of 2021, the NDRMO plays a central role in harmonizing disaster risk reduction, preparedness, and response. Responsibilities include creating a comprehensive policy framework for Disaster Risk Management, coordinating nationwide emergency management, and establishing protocols for quick and efficient responses
The expanded role includes reducing disaster risks through comprehensive plans, coordinating disaster response efforts for timely assistance, and streamlining recovery initiatives for rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Institute Type: Service Provider

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
ABOUT NIWA’s mission is to conduct leading environmental science to enable the sustainable management of natural resources for Aotearoa New Zealand and the planet. NIWA’s science provides high quality insights to underpin important decisions, and innovative solutions. Our staff work across freshwater, climate and ocean research throughout New Zealand and the wider Pacific region.
Institute Type: Non-Profit

MNRE, Samoa
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
ABOUT The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa has the vision to work together in close partnerships to pursue and achieve sustainable development. It is made up of a number of departments and also hosts a number of projects working towards the achievement of the organisations mission, vision and objectives.
Institute Type: Service Provider

ICI, Cook Islands
Infrastructure Cook Islands
ABOUT Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) is responsible for much of the delivery of infrastructure policy and development throughout the country. Cook Islands infrastructure faces a wide range of challenges, including poor asset management, climate impacts, demographic changes, economic pressures and political mandate. Therefore, the role of ICI facilitating the right policy settings and developing infrastructure within tight fiscal envelopes is critical. In the coming year, we anticipate that by working smarter as a team in collaboration with other key stakeholders, in Rarotonga, the Pa Enua and beyond, we will deliver quality infrastructure planning, sound policies, and projects that will meet the needs and aspirations of our people.
Institute Type: Service Provider

University of GUAM
ABOUT Through the Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC) a consortium led by the University of Hawai?i at Manoa, the University of Hawai?i at Hilo, and the University of Guam to provide expertise in developing and applying climate change science to societal and ecological challenges across the region. The Pacific Islands CSC provides scientific information, tools, and techniques that natural and cultural resource managers can use to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change. Integral research has been covered by the University contributing to science in the North Pacific.
Institute Type: Academia

ABOUT Utilizing a unique combination of ecological modeling and spatial analysis, BAE-Ecospatial is developing science-based tools and workflows to inform and improve natural resource management throughout the Pacific. Based out of Micronesia, we are conveniently located in a region that has direct access to Asian and Pacific Island countries in order to best accommodate client needs. More information can be found at
Institute Type: Consulting company

Bioscurity of Fiji
ABOUT The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) was established under the Biosecurity Act of December 2008. It is a Public Enterprise under the Public Enterprise Act 2019. BAF mission is to protect Fiji’s unique biodiversity and facilitate international trade to and from Fiji. Each of BAF members will work together to protect Fiji: our people, our environment, our plants and animals, our livelihoods and our unique way of life for the benefit of our families, our visitors and our future generations.
Institute Type: Public Enterprise

ABOUT Since its formation in 1985, AllTerra has been dedicated to providing innovative geospatial technology through a commitment to technological evolution and development. The AllTerra brand replaced the GeoSystems brand in July 2016. AllTerra is the global dealer brand for Trimble’s geospatial portfolio and symbolises a new brand with a fresh look and feel, and a renewed focus on Trimble geospatial products and services. AllTerra serves the New Zealand and English-speaking South Pacific Islands for Trimble geospatial solutions.
Institute Type: Software Reseller

ABOUT BLUECHAM is an innovative company in cognitive sciences related to Earth preservation. The world is changing, and faces new challenges in dealing with new threats, whether the consequences of global warming, environmental issues or species extinction. We design, develop and operate a new generation of decision-support systems worldwide for public authorities, mining industries, scientific bodies, organisations and companies. More information on
Type: Innovation, technology and Disgital Plateforme provider

Drone Services
Drone Services
ABOUT Drone Services is a commerical serivce provider currently operating in Fiji. Drone Services offers services in the collection of drone imagery at various grades of accuracy and price points. Additionally, the company offers pilot licence training locally. The company is a feature presenter at the Pacific GIS & RS Conference and is active in numerous forums providing sound advice for all things drone in Fiji (and the Pacific).
Institute Type: Service Provider

Eagle Technology
Eagle technology
ABOUT Eagle Technology has more than 45 years experience supporting New Zealand businesses with innovative technology including GIS products. Our longstanding GIS and Enterprise IT practices combine to offer a range of products and solutions that use best practice and innovative technologies together to extend and support GIS and common IT challenges.
Institute Type: Software Reseller

Eagle technology
ABOUT eoStrategy is enabling countries, governments, and private companies to profit from Earth Observation through the development and deployment of geospatial strategies.
Institute Type: Consultant

Grundo Private Limited
Grundo Private Limited
ABOUT Grundo is a Swiss-Singaporean technology advisory and analytics startup providing solutions to problems related to agriculture, sustainability, and beyond. Their customized problem-solving approach uses the latest scientific research and technological possibilities that unlocks impactful new ways of doing things. Grundo has gained a reputation working with government and private sector clients globally by providing new innovative solutions that previously were not available in the marketplace.
Institute Type: Service Provider

ABOUT INSIGHT SAS is a commercial company established in New Caledonia offering GIS & RS services including data provision. INSIGHT has been a recognised organisation present at the annual Pacific GIS & RS User Conference.
Institute Type: Data and Service Provider

J2 Geospatial Intelligence Services
ABOUT J2 is the social enterprise of Disaster Relief Australia. We deliver socially responsible, professional geospatial and disaster intelligence services to government, industry and community. We empower decision making by working in the air, on the ground and behind the scenes to deliver a vertically integrated set of services spanning data capture, processing and analysis.
Institute Type: Service Provider

Kahuto Investment Pte Ltd
Kahuto Investment Pte Ltd
ABOUT The team at Kahuto are committed on delivering our mission statement -” To become the leading company in the Pacific specializing in the collection and transforming of geographical data.” Our focus on developing emerging technology coupled with our commitment to deliver value for our clients enables our team to constantly find solutions for our fast growing company. We are committed to understanding our clients requirements and delivering cost effective solutions for the Pacific.
Institute Type: Service Provider

ABOUT Kenex provides global high level consulting in mineral exploration, renewable energy, infrastructure, agriculture and environment. Kenex specialises in project development and assist mining and exploration companies through the provision of 2D and 3D mineral predictive modelling, 3D integrated geological mapping, targeting studies and a wide range of GIS services. Other services provided include mineral permit management, land management, marine mineral predictive modelling, agricultural and environmental services and wind energy prospectivity services.
Institute Type: Service Provider

The Land Transport Authority of Fiji
ABOUT The Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Fiji, established under the Land Transport Act 1998, is responsible for economic regulation, service delivery, enforcement, and road safety. The LTA was formed to enhance operational efficiency and financial management in line with government policies on deregulation. It merged the functions of the Transport Control Board (TCB), Central Traffic Authority (CTA), and Principal Licensing Authority (PLA), making it a commercially oriented entity with strong accountability.
Institute Type: Public Enterprise

MAXAR Technology
ABOUT Mammoth Geospatial, based in Perth, Western Australia, specialises in open-source geospatial solutions including QGIS, GeoNode, PostGIS, and Mergin Maps. Our mission is to help organisations effectively use open geospatial technology, ensuring they have the freedom to engage with these tools on their own terms.
We offer comprehensive QGIS, Mergin Maps, and other geospatial training alongside strategic consulting services. With successful deployments and training sessions for organisations across Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Fiji, we bring extensive Pacific region expertise. Our principal consultant, John Bryant, served as founding chair of OSGeo Oceania and helped establish OpenStreetMap Fiji, demonstrating our commitment to growing open geospatial capabilities in the region.
Institute Type: Service Provider

MAXAR Technology
ABOUT MAXAR is a leading Space Technology and Intelligence Company. Maxar partners with innovative businesses and more than 50 governments to monitor global change, deliver broadband communications and advance space operations with capabilities in Space Infrastructure and Earth Intelligence. With more than 60 years of experience, MAXAR design and manufacture satellites and spacecraft components for communications, Earth observation, exploration and on-orbit servicing and assembly. Since humans first began exploring our solar system, MAXAR has been supporting commercial and government missions with Space Infrastructure capabilities.
Institute Type: Comemrcial Space Agency

ABOUT Orbica is pioneering geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), developing unique data visualisation solutions and enabling organisations to gain near real-time visibility of their data – all through geography and the power of location data.
Institute Type: Data Provider and Service Provider

Pacific Geospatial Services, LLC.
Pacific Geospatial Services, LLC. (PacGeoS) is a minority and woman owned small business, owned and operated in Hawaiʻi.
PacGeoS focuses on projects throughout Hawaiʻi and the Pacific with an emphasis on leveraging GIS to address thematic issues impacting Hawaiʻi. PacGeoS works on sustainability, cultural and environmental preservation, zero waste, carbon neutral, food and energy independence, as well as other projects benefiting Hawaiʻi.
PacGeoS is a proponent of cultivating local STEAM expertise and industry.
Institute Type: Service Provider

ABOUT Skand is an Australian based Digital Twin platform, designed and built to enable spatial data visualisation, management and analysis. The Skand product is widely used by industry leaders in Australia and internationally, including surveying professionals, engineers and asset managers. We offer a cloud-based software platform that assists domain experts & stakeholders to make better decisions managing their assets. Skand’s value proposition is based on solving three significant pain points:
1) Powerful data visualisation – Skand combines the power of layering datasets and data types -including point cloud, photogrammetry, orthography, CAD (IFC, DWG, KML etc), and panoramic/spherical images – with a growing feature set that provides a high-level analytical tool for asset managers.
2) Infrastructure – Skand’s secure cloud environment leverages existing first tier infrastructure providers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure. Skand can also integrate with customer managed external cloud environments.
3) Integration – Our software has an internal API that is exposed to internal services. It also has custom-built external APIs that are tailored to third-party software. Skand has the capacity to build APIs tailored to the use cases of our enterprise customers and technology partners. Skand also enables a powerful machine learning (AI) pipeline, offering intuitive diagnostic tools to identify, classify and categorise defects. Data sharing and collaboration is in our DNA. We have developed a platform that allows users to share asset data, insights and digital representations with anyone, at any time, for real time collaboration. Skand’s platform has been designed to meet the needs of asset owners and managers. Using an intuitive interface, the webapp is built around an asset management model designed to optimise performance across the spectrum of asset management services.
Institute Type: Service Provider

ABOUT Silvaconsult AG is a Swiss consulting company which offers solutions now in the Pacific region particularly in the Forestry Sector.
Institute Type: Service Provider