PGRSC Links to Other Organisations
The Council has strong links to other organisations that have similar objectives. As a Pacific wide council we aim to build a stronger working relationship with these organisations within the region.

University of South Pacific
The University of the South Pacific has been a foundational supportive member since inception also playing a major role of educating emerging professionals/professionals who have massively contributed their expertise and knowledge to the Pacific Region.

International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organisations and the input of more than 18,000 experts. This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

OpenStreetMap Fiji
OpenStreetMap (OSM) Fiji is a local volunteer based group that works toward promoting a collaborative and diverse geospatial community with an emphasis on improving openstreet map contributions in Fiji.

Spatial Industries Business Association
SIBA is the leading association representing the Spatial Industry. They are committed to working with Government and Academia to build more innovative, entrepreneurial and prosperous Australia and the Pacific. With SIBA comes a network of businesses, tender alerts, networking and collaboration opportunities, professional development, think tanks and direct business opportunities. SIBA is present during the Pacific GIS & RS User Conference and uses the platform to handout spatial business awards. The council helps distribute the message to apply for such an award through GIS-PacNet and this year the Pacific Islands category for the Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards will be presented at the Annual Pacific Islands GIS & RS User Conference in November.

Science, Technology and Resource Network
The STAR network was founded in 1984 as a joint initiative between SOPAC and the IOC/UNESCO. The network has met annually for nearly three decades in conjunction with SOPAC, which provided secretariat support. Today the network is an independent council. The chairman, Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Malakai Finau, and STAR trustee, Russell Howorth, are Trustees of the Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Council.

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
ISPRS is an international NGO devoted the developing international cooperation for the advancement of knowledge, research, development and education in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, their integration and application, to contribute to the well-being of humanity and sustainability of the environment. ISPRS was first present in 2005 at the annual Conference. Information and bulletins are distributed though the PGRSC network on behalf of ISPRS and as of 2018, PGRSC is now a regional member for ISPRS

Fiji Geospatial Information Management Council
This council is an advisory body to the Fiji Government which meets every quarter and advises governmental bodies in various technical questions within the geospatial area. FGIMC was formed after a cabinet decision in 1991 to form such a body, they also host a national GIS and RS conference on the Friday before the Pacific GIS & RS User Conference. The Chairman for FGIMC is Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Malakai Finau.

South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Secretariat of the Pacifc Regional Environment Programme left SPC in Noumea in 1992 and relocated to Samoa. It achieved autonomy as an independent inter-governmental organisation with the signing of the Agreement Establishing SPREP in Apia on 16 June 1993. SPREP (The Secretariat) is the region’s key inter-governmental organisation for environment and sustainable development, and is one of several inter-governmental agencies comprising the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP). The purposes of SPREP are to promote cooperation in the South Pacific Region and to provide assistance in order to protect and improve the environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations. SPREP is an institutional member of PGRSC.

Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society
PICISOC is a chapter that represents the interests of users in the Oceania_Pacific region. It focuses on local issues and developments in the Pacific region, and seeks to provide impartial advise to governments and the public on Internet-related matters that are relevant to Pacific Island people. PICISOC first came into being in 1994 as ‘IT-PacNET’ when a group of technical guys working for SOPAC decided to set up a support organisation. Through their association with regional organisations they were able to expand the organisation, and link the group with the Internet Society in 2002. The 600+ regional members of PICISOC come from 22 countries which constitute the Pacific region (they are all members of the Pacific Islands Forum).

2018 Conference Media Partner
Coordinates Magazine is an exclusive monthly magazine focused on navigation, position, and spatial technology, applications and beyond.The magazine is circulated globally, throughout Australasia, North America and even to the Pacific. PGRSC is excited for the new media link we will now have with Coordinates Magazine, with all conference registered participants for 2018 being offered a year free subscription to Coordinates magazine.